Tuesday, April 21, 2009

PR Open Mic -- Test, Test, 1, 2 and 3

Today I joined PROpenMic, a social networking site for PR students, faculty and practitioners.  I don't know everything about it, and I'm just beginning to dive in.  After just a few hours, I noticed the site had places for videos, applications, blog links, groups, and more.  I really don't know where to start, and what's worth my time, and what's not. 

I think, we as PR students and faculty members will benefit most from the networking aspect of the site.  We can hopefully connect with PR professionals.  This can lead to internships, jobs, and other PR related topics to discuss with one another.  I really see the networking side of PR paying off for all of us in the long run.  Maybe this can help those of us on the fence about which element of PR we're most interested in, too. 

I have been following PROpenMic on Twitter for quite some time now, and never realized they had their own site.  Shows how much I was paying attention, huh?  Although I did notice they posted some pretty worthwhile stuff.  I remember one time I saw a post for a Do's and Dont's of PR.  Check out one of my previous posts, for more information on that subject.  

I really am excited to see what PROpenMic can do for me and for our class as a whole.  So, let's join together to test the PROpenMic!  Here's a link to my site.  With the add on of PROpenMic, I am now a member of Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, bringing me to 4 social networking sites!  I rid myself of MySpace a few months back.  After joining this site, it is further indication to me that the business world is quickly gravitating toward social networking.  

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Athletic Auction - A Good Time, and an even better experience!

My PR & Admin class worked together this past weekend on the GCSU Athletic Auction.  The event, however, for us, began in January.  Dr. Miller ("Ging") put us in groups and we pitched theme ideas to our clients, members of the GCSU Athletics staff and faculty.  The clients then picked which theme (and sometimes elements of each) they liked best, and we were on our way!  I have never had so much fun working together with a group... of women!   

The GCSU Athletic Auction, in my opinion, was a HUGE success!  I had a great time working the door and greeting people as they walked in.  I greeted people with a smile, politely asked to see their ticket and sent them on their merry way.  It was fun being the first to see all the great people who wanted to contribute to GCSU athletics.  I kept saying, "Oh, good, you've already got yours (ticket) torn!  Good luck on the $10,000 reverse raffle!"  Most folks would politely laugh and say, "Yeah, like I have a chance..."  But one of those people I greeted did win.  And hey, it was almost us, too!  This was definitely a moment where I felt the true connector in me come out.   

I think one of the greatest things I took away from the auction was the importance of time management.  I think our class did a wonderful job of making sure everything was done in a timely, and efficient manner.  No one seemed to run over themselves, and everything that needed to get done was done collectively.  There was little to no bickering, from what I saw.  In fact, I heard more excitement and satisfaction from my PR ladies than anything else.  I continue to be amazed at how well we all work as a cohesive team.  We're all good at something, and all pitch in where we're best suited.  That's one reason why I wanted to work the door.  I knew I would enjoy speaking to people as they walked in the door, and could direct them further.  My greatest strength is communication with others.  Even if I am socially awkward.  

After the auction was over, and we were cleaning up, I pulled Carol aside and put my arm around her.  I smiled sweetly and said, "Just be honest with me, Carol, you know this was the best auction ever, right?"  She smiled and said, "I'm always impressed with the PR work, but your class really impressed me this year."  Now, I don't suggest doing this with future clients, but it felt good to receive a compliment from a client.  

So, in a nutshell, I say good job, ladies!  I think we should be very proud of the work we did.   And thank you for putting up with all my shenanigans during the planning and execution of the event.  LASC! 

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internship Update

I received an email earlier this week about my summer internship with the Museum of Aviation.  My supervisor, Stephanie Robinson, gave me a list of tasks she wants me to focus on for the internship.  She was very friendly, and seemed excited about meeting me.  

She then asked if I had any experience with using Photoshop.  I sadly had to tell her no.  I would really like to learn more about this program.  One of the things we're taught as PR students is to always be flexible, and willing to learn new things.  I'm hoping I can do the same with Photoshop.  
My experience with programs is severely limited.  I know a bit about how to make fliers and editing photos.  But sadly, I have little to no experience with Photoshop.  

So, here's the point of my blog.  Can anyone in PR Admin give me any hints, tips, and suggestions on how to use this unfamiliar program?  

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Connecting with the Milledgeville and GCSU community

Some of the WGUR staff members at the IBS conference in NYC (March '09)

So, it was Monday afternoon at my usual, tedious WGUR executive staff meetings.  I'm sitting there thinking, "God, I wish I could be napping right now."  But that was before Jodie mentioned the fact our sponsorships are down and we need a new one who would be willing to donate a large amount to our station.  My wheels start turning.  I remember my bosses at Magnolia Park are looking for a way to boost their morale in hopes of getting leases.  I remember the phrase at a recent staff meeting, "We're willing to do anything that can bring more traffic through our door.  Cost does not matter."  What better way for them to do that than tag team some events with WGUR?  

Without much hesitation and little organized thought, I blurted out, "Magnolia would be willing to donate about $1,000."  There was a loud, swift, turn of the necks in my direction.  Mrs. Criscoe, our adviser, turns to me and says, "How can we make that happen?"  

I began to suggest having a WGUR pool party at Magnolia.  We could have items with both Magnolia Park's logo and WGUR's.  It would be a great way for WGUR to invite the Milledgeville and GCSU community, and for Magnolia to hopefully connect with students in hopes of gaining more leases.  

So, how does this relate to PR?  Well, as assistant business manager of WGUR, I work closely with the PR director.  It's our job to gain contacts, connections to hopefully boost our morale.  One of the cardinal principles of a PR person is the ability to boost your image.  With the joint partnership with Magnolia Park, WGUR can hopefully bring more listeners, and money for future events.  Magnolia Park, on the other hand, can gain more leases and more attention on the radio and word of mouth.  

And to think I wanted to go home and nap...  

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