Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kanye West: An Expert at PR? Or is he just an idiot?

Many bloggers, myself included believe that Kanye West's recent incident at the MTV VMA's was merely a PR stunt to get his name back in the spotlight. Although I have to wonder is it safe to put your name out there in a negative light? How much can this really work to your advantage? Maybe he's an idiot and an expert at PR stunts.

Just how much buzz can one inappropriate comment make? Well, in our world of social media (via Twitter) - 300,000 tweets in one hour! According to Trendrr, which tracks buzz on Twitter, there were a total of 293,024 tweets in the hour immediately following West's comments.

It amazes me because in the world of social media everyone literally can be a mass communicator. Or to even use a bit of Malcolm Gladwell here we're all connectors in some way.

So, who does this actually help? Does it give sympathy to the loud mouth known as Kanye West and hope for fans that he'll get some help? Or does it send all the pre-teen fans of the young Taylor Swift to pat her on the back? The choice is yours.

Also, according to an article on Huffington Post, President Obama apparently told a journalist in an off-the-record comment that Kanye is a "jackass." I think Press Secretary Robert Gibbs should tell him that nothing he says is off-the-record. He is the President, after all. Apparently, however, the journalist is facing consequences.

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