Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We are PR - hear us ROAR!

I am a positive person, however, when I read an article like
this, I begin to worry just a tad. OK, actually I begin to worry a bit more than a tad.

Although the article gives me anxiety about finding a job within the first eight months, I am hopeful the economy will turn around. Also, even if it's not turned around in the most dramatic way we need, another internship (paid or unpaid) wouldn't be so bad. I really enjoyed the experience I gained from mine at the Museum of Aviation. The possibility of working there again would only add to my growing portfolio.

I also recently received a job offer with the Houston County School System. I have given it a lot of thought and I think I will take it, at least until a more exciting job comes along. I really could use the benefits, and it would be great experience for me. The job title is a graduation coach, and I would work closely with students who have special needs. This is a great job for someone in PR, too, because it involves a lot of communication with both students and parents. I would act as an encourager and motivator for these students to stay in school, and reinforce the power of education. Sounds like a maven and connector, huh?

It's time to get that portfolio together and show off how awesomely skilled we are. I plan to highlight my skills in communication, organization of events, creative thought, and of course, my writing. Which brings me to my next point...

Even though the fundamentals of our economy aren't as strong as we'd like, there are jobs out there. It's our job as strongly prepared PR graduates to stand out from the crowded field of applicants. The days of blending in with the crowd are over. We're better than this. We have skills and it's time to show them to the world. Get off your butt and stand up! Join me! Let's wave our hands and shout it and shout it loudly -- We are PR, hear us ROAR!!!

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