Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn, oh, my!

"Challenge your mind in 2009 with professional development: the stepping stone of your career"  January 2009 

In an article from "TACTICS," the PRSA periodical, Mara Woloshin, writes about how to challenge your mind in 2009 with adding different elements to your PR lives.  

One of the things I found most interesting about the article is a quote by the 2009 PRSA Chair and CEO Michael Cherenson.  He states, "Get on Facebook, LinkdedIn or YouTube.  Make a commitment to retooling."  

The reason I found this so interesting is because Dr. Miller is asking us to expand our social media to include Twitter and LinkedIn.  I'm just now getting on Twitter, and have yet to use LinkedIn.  

I also really liked how Woloshin said that experience is part of the learning process and challenged the readers to commit to a professional development in 2009.  She said you can make it similar to a New Year's resolutions list.  Her suggestions are: read, take a workshop, study and learn about Twitter.  

Again, this is making me realize what we're doing in class isn't because it's the curriculum and "required."  What we're doing in class is actually what real PR professionals use and do!  

So, what's my list?  
- Get AP style down!
- Learn Twitter
- Learn LinkedIn 
- Create a professional resume 


  1. I felt the same way, initially I was thinking, “arrrg Twitter” well that was until I found the Human Resources connections. I am sure this will be useful to me both personally and professional, let’s just say I’m just getting the big picture.

  2. I agree Tyler! At fist everything was just really confusing, but now that I am beginning to understand why we need this I am really starting to like it. I think I have the same things on my list as you do!


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